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Designing websites via HTML and CSS


When you design a website, there are multiple things you should consider before you start typing the code or even thinking about how it would look after you are done.

These things mostly will be for the benefit of the people who will be using it, here are some of the things that you should consider: 1-Who is going to be using your website (individuals or compaies). 2-Consider the users age, gender, income, how often they will be using the website … etc. 3-What kind of information they are expecting to get from the website.

After you are done with these things, start to think about the general layout of your website, and to help to do so we use something called wireframe, which is a simple drawing of the general layout of the website.

Now, when we start writing a website code we use HTML (hyper text markup language which means that everything is marked up using tags and you can add hyper links) which represents the text and images in it, meaning that it represents the structer of it, so it won’t look as good as you might think. Since HTML only used for the general layout of websites, its tags only does basic things such as resizing the font, adding hyper text and images … etc Next are some of the main tags in HTMl: 1-<HTMl></HTML> everything you write has to be inbetween this tag

2-<head></head> it does not do anything by itself, by adding <title></title> for example you can change the title of the website, which will appear on the browser’s tab

3-<body></body> here you write everything that the user is gonna see

4-<a href=" website link" some text></a> adds hyper text

5-<img src="image link">

6-<h1-6></h1-6> to add headings with different font sizes

7-<p></p> to add paragraph

8-semantic tags: tags that have no function, it only organizes the code for other developers to understand it easily <header></header> at the top of the page <nav></nav> the navigation bar of the page <main></main> the middle of the page <footer></footer>the bottom of the page

Those are some basic things you should know when designing a website. For further information consider reading this book duckett